How Does CBD Lotion Work?

Topical CBD products containing high concentrations of cannabidiol (CBD) have been shown to be effective in relieving pain and inflammation. When CBD is applied topically, it stimulates the endocannabinoid system by binding to the skin’s high concentration of cannabinoid receptors. CBD binds to the cannabinoid receptors in your skin. This binding results in pain and inflammation reduction. Pure-Isolate CBD lotion has an anti-inflammatory impact, which is why it can be used to treat various skin conditions.

Topical CBD, even pure, medical-grade CBD,  is effective only in the area where it is applied. This means that rubbing CBD lotion on your legs while your back is hurting won’t help. Depending on your situation, this might be a plus or a minus. You’d have to apply a lot of CBD cream if you’re prone to full-body aches and pains, which would be time consuming and expensive.

Keep in mind that topical creams, gels, and oils will absorb much more than just the CBD contained within them because human skin is such an incredible absorbent organ. It is very important to double-check the ingredients of your CBD Lotion to ensure you’re not consuming something that may result in an allergic reaction. 

Will CBD Lotion help with Anxiety?

The psychotropic effects of CBD, which imitate the brain’s endocannabinoid stimulators, make CBD creams an effective way to ease anxiety. Furthermore, Cannidex Pure CBD Lotion will keep your skin hydrated and healthy! 

Even in the absence of serotonin, CBD mimics the molecule and tricks the brain into creating happy emotions if taken frequently. CBD reenacts the neurotransmitters such as serotonin that activate the endocannabinoid system of our brain, which is responsible for mood elevation.

When it comes to relieving anxiety, CBD cream is a great option because of how quickly it starts to work. The effects of CBD oil on the skin can be felt within 5 to 10 minutes, compared to 15-20 minutes when taking it orally.  It’s possible to reapply CBD cream throughout the day for ongoing relief. 


Why is Cannidex the BEST Medical-Grade Pure Isolate CBD Lotion?

CANNIDEX focuses on providing customers with the highest-quality pure isolate CBD topical cream on the market.. 

  • High Potency: Cannidex delivers 1500 mg of CBD in each 3% 50 ml formulation
  • Industry Leading Base: Clinically proven transdermal base delivery technology
  • Exceptional Purity: Derived from 99% pure hemp crystals, not CBD oil
  • Clinically Proven: Backed by significantly more research than any other CBD product 
  • Pharmaceutical Grade: Manufacturing process developed by licensed pharmacists
  • Robust Safety: Non-systemic, topical approach may be one of the safest ways to use CBD
  • Odorless: Hemp crystal derived formulation has no cannabis related smell
  • Best-in-class Dispenser: 50 ml airless dispenser delivers precise dosage


Buy Cannidex Pure CBD Topical Lotion Today

Click here to explore our collection of medical-grade, pure-isolate CBD lotion.